Professionalism all throughout

Dagar is a progressive company with a long history, but we’ve been in business since 1980. We employ around 750 people all over the country.

Our specialisation is rooted in our years of experience, progressiveness and excellent employees. We have made it our goal to be among the best in cleaning, property management, workplace solutions and safety.

Our employees’ active participation is the key to our success. We thrive on ambition and a driving need to always be at the cutting edge, limit environmental impact and our curiosity in finding and developing new solutions for our clients.


Privacy Policy of Dagar

Dagar is committed to protecting privacy and processing personal information in accordance with the company's privacy policy, but also in accordance with its obligations under the current Icelandic data protection law, and the new EU regulation on the processing of personal data, which entered into force on 25 May 2018.


What are personal information and special categories of personal information?

Personal information is all information related to an individual's identities such as:

  • ID number
  • name
  • address
  • phone number
  • e-mail

Specific categories of information are part of personal information and may include information such as:

  • race
  • origin
  • religions
  • sexuality
  • health information
  • membership in trade unions

What personal information do we collect and why do we do so?

2.1 General
We collect your personal information to provide you with services and / or receive services from you. The personal information we ask you to provide is information e.g., ID number, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and identification information such as e.g., driving license information or passport information.

If we collect information about you, we will ask for your consent and inform you why we collect it. We also need your consent to store information that concerns you.

We may ask you for information from time to time, e.g., when you report problems with your service or work. Also, when we ask you to participate in our surveys or questionnaires, which we use to improve service to staff and / or quality control and follow-up.

2.2 Legislative power and rules
We may also need to collect personal information about you to comply with laws and regulations.


what happens if you do not give us this information?

It is your right to provide us with any information. However, if you choose not to provide the personal or identifying information we request, we will not be able to provide you with the services or information you need / need for your work at Dagar.


how does dagar collect personal information?

We generally collect personal information directly from the individual, or receive it electronically, including information provided by you:

  • by using the Dagar website
  • in telephone conversations with our representatives
  • when we deliver and monitor our services to you
  • on forms or other correspondence
  • in other written, electronic, or oral communication with you

If we receive personal information about individuals from third parties, we will notify the person in question and, if necessary, obtain the consent of the person in question.

If we receive personal information about an individual that we have not requested and that is not relevant to the provision of services and / or services, we will delete the information, unless we are required by law to retain the information.


what are cookies?

Our website works best when the use of cookies is accepted. Kaka is a small database with information that a website stores on your computer (your hard drive). The cookie can, for example, contain text, speech, or dates. There is no personal information stored in the cookie. The information we receive is therefore anonymous. Most websites use cookies to improve the visitor's experience on the site.

how do we use cookies?

The cookie tells us, among other things, how long a visitor has been on Dagar website, what pages he visited, what internet browser he uses, and whether he has visited our website before. The information collected with the cookie does not contain any personal or identification information and is therefore only used to check the use of visitors to our website.

what if i do not accept cookies?

You are not required to accept cookies from our website, and most web browsers give you the option to reject them. If you reject cookies, certain services or parts of the website may not work properly and are not available to you.

destruction of cookies

Most browsers allow you to delete cookies that have accumulated on your computer. It varies depending on the browser, but you can usually go to the settings or help in the web browser itself to find out how to delete cookies, also to block cookies in general.

At the following website you can find out more about cookies, as well as how to prevent cookies from accumulating on your computer:


We collect personal information in accordance with the law to maintain business relations with individuals and companies. This is done for the purpose of resolving all legal and / or commercial matters. Furthermore, if an individual has specifically agreed to it, we may send him information that may be of interest to him.

In general, we will not use or exchange personal or identifying information for purposes other than those specified in this Privacy Policy or for the purpose of requiring third party law to be disclosed by law and already approved by you.


does dagar provide personal information to third parties?

We may share or disclose personal information to any third party for any of the below reasons, including:

  • Affiliates within Dagar
  • External contractors, consultants, and service providers to Dagar (such as postal distributors, business partners or service companies)
  • To government agencies, such as law enforcement, administrative and judicial agencies (or any other body that is required to disclose personal information by law or court order)
  • Any other person or entity authorized to publish / receive the information

We will not share personal or identification information with any other person or entity:

  • Our employees, employees and companies related to Dagar
  • Authorities or regulators (including law enforcement agencies and courts) where required or permitted by law
  • Other persons authorized by law

When we disclose personal information to third parties, we will take all appropriate steps to ensure that third parties are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations regarding the protection of personal and identity information.

The information is provided in accordance with legal requirements, including that the transfer is protected by data processing contracts, to ensure that data is not processed for other purposes and to ensure adequate security measures.


does Dagar publish personal information to recipients outside of the eu/eea

We will not publish or hand over personal or identification information to companies and / or individuals outside Iceland without your written consent.


direct marketing and promotion of your personal information

We may use personal information for the purpose of disclosing their services and products as well as third party products and services that we believe may be of use to that individual. With special permission, we may disclose personal information to third parties for special marketing campaigns. Based on the nature of the business relationship, we may seek your recommendation for our services, to third parties.

Individuals may at any time request not to be contacted, for goods or services from Days or third parties. Also, not to inform others about personal or identification information.


data storage and security of personal information

We store personal information on paper and/or in electronic files.

We have taken security measures in accordance with the law provided to protect the personal and identifying information we hold, against misuse, deletion and unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure.

We use technical security measures such as encryption when copying. This includes several systems and communication security measures, as well as the secure storage of documents. In addition, access to personal information is limited.

We guarantee the deletion or encryption of personal and identification information after it is no longer required in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable privacy laws at any time.


how to acces or correct personal information

We take the necessary and responsible steps to ensure that the information the company holds about you is accurate, up-to-date, accurate and relevant when we use or publish it. Please contact us if you think your personal information is incorrect.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, request for access to or otherwise need to correct your personal information, you can contact Dagar office at Lyngás 17, 210 Garðabær. Updating the information is based on you notifying us when there is a change in it or your circumstances (e.g., address).

You can also send to our privacy representative at Lyngás 17, 210 Garðabær or send a request by e-mail to The request must contain a clear description of the personal information requested or the changes you wish to have made.

Your request for access to your personal information will be documented along with information about the request and which of our staff provided it to you in each case. You have the right to access and correct your information if it is incorrect, out of date or incomplete. You may also revoke your consent for us to store or process your personal and identification information.

If we are convinced that the information needs to be corrected, we will take appropriate steps to ensure that that information is corrected and will notify you of the correction. We will also notify other recipients and relevant parties of the corrections, as provided for in the Privacy Act.

This may create situations where we may have to reject a request for correction. In such cases, you can request that we save the request for correction with your personal information.

We will not charge for access or correction of your information, subject to the possibility that you may have to pay a reasonable cost for processing and responding to a request for access, incl. photocopying, delivery of a written report, access, postal items, and other possible costs that may be incurred.


how will dagar respond to your request?

We will confirm receipt of your request within 10 business days of receiving it. We will do our best to process and respond to your request within 14 business days of receiving your confirmation. If we can comply with your request, you will receive a written response. If you are unable to comply with your request, you will receive a written response stating why and information on possible actions, if you are not satisfied with our response.


do you want to contact dagar anonymously?

You can contact us anonymously. However, if you choose it, it will hinder our ability to provide the services and / or information you require / request.


can you complain about a breach of privacy?

If you want to complain about a breach of privacy, due to our handling of personal information, please contact Persónuvernd.


need more information?

Further information on the Data Protection Act can be found on the Data Protection Authority's website:


update of dagar privacy policy

We may change or revise our Privacy Policy and the way personal and identification information is processed from time to time. We will send an updated privacy policy on our website at, all revised terms take effect from the date of issue at any time.


Siðareglur Daga hf. tilgreina helstu lykilatriði varðandi siðferðiog heiðarlega starfshætti, sem eiga við í rekstri fyrirtækisins og eruleiðarljós fyrir starfshætti, framkomu og viðhorf allra starfsmanna. Lykilatriðinvarða; 

  • Siðferði starfsmanna
  • Reglur gegn spillingu og mútum
  • Starfshætti í samræmi við samkeppnislög
  • Samskipti við viðskiptavini
  • Siðferðisreglur á vinnustað
  • Ábyrgð fyrirtækisins

Siðareglurnar styðja við gildi okkar og eru þær samhæfðar grunnstefnu og öðrumreglum og leiðbeiningum Daga. Siðareglur okkar eru hluti afráðningarskilmálum starfsfólks hjá Dögum. 



  • Starfsmenn Daga verða aðfylgja lögum bæði í störfum sínum og utan vinnutíma
  • Við gerum ráð fyrir aðallir starfsmenn vinni samkvæmt gildum Daga; Virðing, Frumkvæði,Ábyrgð, Gæði 

Þar sem lög eða reglur skortir t.a.m. varðandi persónulega ábyrgð, verður hver starfsmaður að viðhafa heiðarlegt mat og varkárni.
Starfsmönnum ber að hafa samband við næsta yfirmann eða annan yfirmann, ábyrgan samstarfsmann eða tengilið viðskiptavinar til ráðagerðar.
Samskipti við viðskiptavini, samstarfsmenn og samstarfsaðila skulu fara fram af virðingu og sanngirni.
Áreitni og einelti, þar með talin kynferðisleg áreitni, er með öllu óásættanleg innan Daga og verður ekki liðin af hálfu fyrirtækisins.
Neysla og áhrif áfengis og/eða annara vímuefna er ekki leyfð við störf hjá Dögum hf.

Spilling og mútur

Dagar samþykkja á engan hátt spillingu og mútur og berjast gegn slíku í hvívetna.
Dagar keppa um viðskipti á sanngirnisgrundvelli og einvörðungu á eigin verðleikum.
Allar persónulegar greiðslur, endurgreiðslur og mútur milli Daga og/eða starfsmanna Daga gagnvart viðskiptavinum, birgjum eða opinberum aðilum eru stranglega bannaðar.
Starfsfólki Daga er bannað að þiggja gjafir eða annan þakklætisvott frá viðskiptavinum nema að það sé af hóflegu verðgildi og þjóni tilgangi viðskiptanna, t.a.m. að þiggja sýnishorn.

Samræmi við samkeppnislög

Það er kjarni viðskiptahátta Daga að uppfylla allar viðeigandi samkeppnisreglur og
Dagar hafa ekki uppi verðsamráð og skiptir ekki markaði eða þjónustuþáttum með samkeppnisaðilum.
Dagar viðhafa ekki samráð milli samkeppnisaðila vegna útboða.
Dagar ræða ekki samkeppnisatriði (eins og verðlagningu, afslætti, bónusa, söluskilmála o.s.frv.) við samkeppnisaðila.

Tengsl við viðskiptavini

Við upplýsum viðskiptavini og birgja um Siðareglur Daga.
Við afhendingu þjónustu á verkstað fylgja Dagar hf. viðurkenndum umhverfis-, gæða, öryggis- og heilsufarsstöðlum.
Þagnarskylda gagnvart viðskiptavinum er virt og viðeigandi gögn varðveitt.
Athugasemdir viðskiptavina eru teknar alvarlega og eru skilgreindar sem verðmætar
upplýsingar til sífelldra endurbóta í bættri þjónustu Daga.

Vinnustaða staðlar

Dagar leitast við að tryggja sem bestar vinnuaðstæður fyrir starfsfólk, m.t.t. viðeigandi heilsu- og öryggisstaðla.
Dagar líða ekki mismunun starfsmanna varðandi ráðningar og störf; allir starfsmenn okkar hafa rétt til að fá sanngjarna og sömu meðferð.
Dagar virða félagafrelsi og samningsrétt; allir starfmenn okkar eiga rétt á að vera í stéttarfélagi.
Dagar samþykkja ekki nauðungarvinnu né barnaþrælkun.
Dagar hf. bjóða laun sem að lágmarki fylgja launatöxtum kjarasamninga og
reglum á vinnumarkaði.
Starfmönnum býðst þjálfun í samræmi við þau störf sem þeir sinna.
Dagar virða einkalíf starfsmanna og vernda tengdar upplýsingar á viðeigandi hátt.

Ábyrgð fyrirtækisins

Dagar vinna samkvæmt meginreglum um góða stjórnun fyrirtækja.
Dagar vinna sífellt að því að minnka umhverfisáhrif af starfsemi sinni.
Dagar er ábyrgur fyrirtækjaþegn í því samfélagi þar sem fyrirtækið starfar.
Samfélags-, umhverfis-, og siðferðisleg skuldbinding Daga skal endurspeglast
í öllum samskiptum við viðskiptavini, starfsmenn, birgja og aðra hagsmunaaðila.